Absolutely Dominate
Your Market!
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Search Ads
Search Advertising is extremely effective!
Having managed literally millions of dollars in paid advertising for clients, we understand which strategies work and how to use them effectively to bring valuable results.

Most Targeted Form of Advertising
Search marketing is without a doubt the most targeted form of advertising in existence.
With search marketing, you have the ability to show strategically ads to people who are actually searching on phrases or keywords related to your business. If you’re not showing up where prospects are actually searching for you, you’re missing out big time.
Search ads appear in the following places:
– Bing
– Yahoo
– Google Search Partners
– Bing Search Partners
Laser Targeted
Search Advertising presents you with the opportunity to display ads when prospects search on key phrases relevant to your business. We strategically choose which keywords your ads show up for, so when your prospects search, you’re there!
Strategic Placement
Ad positioning is crucial. The difference between showing up #1 or #2 can have major impact on the performance of your campaigns. Using advanced bidding techniques, we can control how high or low your ads show on a keyword by keyword basis.
Tight Control
Maintaining tight control on the way your ads are shown is key. We tightly control how your ads display and when they are delivered to ensure you get the most relevant clicks possible and spend advertising dollars in the most effective manner.
Smart Optimization
From match types, geo-targeting, campaign structure, bidding, ad copy, keyword research and more, we know how to effectively manage search marketing campaigns. Our optimization techniques help maximize effectiveness while minimizing costs.
Search Advertising is Powerful!
Be there when your prospects are searching for you!
Every day, people are using search engines such as Google and Bing to look for products and services. If you’re not showing up where your prospects are literally searching for you, your competitors most likely are. Be visible. Be found. Dominate your market!
Live Reporting App / Dashboard
No more waiting on reports… Get performance data in real time!
Our app/dashboard interfaces with platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram and more to bring you campaign data in real time.

Live Reporting
Forget monthly or even weekly reporting! We give you our special app where you can track performance data in real time! Just open the app and there it is; all of the data for any date range you want to see.
View Custom Date Ranges
All of your reporting is live and easily accessible through the AbsolutelyDominate app. This includes all of your previous performance data as well. Just select the date range you want to see and BAM!
Insightful Spend Breakdowns
We break your spend down by age and gender so you can see exactly who is clicking on your ads. This helps us determine where your advertising dollars are best spent and helps us make smart optimizations as to where we allocate your ad spend.
Easy to Understand
We’ve worked very hard to make our reporting intuitive. Every metric is defined so you understand exactly what you are looking at. Our reporting dashboard also includes many helpful visualizations to help you digest your metrics.